Sunday Trip report - Deep Creek 1 Tk - O'Tooles 09 with Team Nickj


5th Annual Victorian Gathering member
Team Nickj's Sunday trip was to do some of the Deep Creek Tks. After Rossco's trip down there on Saturday, the suggestion was to head for Deep Creek 1 Tk.

Donx was just making sure everything was in order under the lid before heading off!

We headed out early, joining Nickj and Lynelle in the Pathfinder was a good size convoy of 6:

Billolga - Bill and Olga in the white GU Patrol
Jacked Surf - Simon in the high lifted import Surf
Donx - Donx, Lily and Renita in Donx's white 100 series
BoxerJohn - John also in a white 100 series
Coxy - Pete and Lewis in Pete's new brown GU Patrol (Tail End Charlie)

We headed out and up the obligatory Flat's Tk. But before leaving camp, Lynelle asked me if she could drive some of the way. Knowing her sound mind and ability to listen and do, I allowed her to put the L plates on the Pathfinder and take me out driving under a careful eye. Lynelle went extemely well, the could be some critics amongst the crowd. But I would not have let her if I didnt think she could do it. The Pathy has an auto and a front Lokka which makes it easier to learn in.

Anyway, all except Coxy took the chicken track today. Sporting the new Gippsland Off Road lift, wheels and tyres, Pete took a great line of the rock ledge section and made minced meat out of it. Well done Pete!




Jacked Surf


Lynelle (off for a second trip across)

Off again through Merringtons and this time we took the middle track out of Merringtons - Bridle Track. This track doesn't have many bendy bits, more so goes straight up! I gave the group some simple instructions and we headed off. Again, Lynelle drove up here and did it well. Good job Lynelle! With everyone at the half way safe point, we stopped for some pics of the scenery and continued on out voyage for Deep Creek 1.


Coxy heading up Bridle Tk

We were told by some passers by on the way that there was a tree down over Walhalla Rd which would have stopped us entering Deep Creek 1 from the south as planned. So we had to enter from the north. Down through the easy section, it was now my turn to drive Deep Creek 1. Move over chicky babe Daddy's driving now! We headed down through some normal looking tracks then we came across what appeared to be a ded end track at the creek. A drive a little further uncovered what was nearly the best track I have been on. All overgrown with ferns and scrub, we enter abyss that is the creek bed of Deep Creek 1 Tk.

Big bolders, small boulders and everything in between.





A "must do" track. After successfully travelling along the creek bed, we exited the creek and headed on.

Shortly after, we stopped in the shade for a bite to eat and a chat. BoxerJohn was heading out home from here and Coxy wanted to treat Lewis to some ice cream in Walhalla, the rest of us headed towards Walhalla for the long journey back to camp.

We came across what would have been the tree across the road which was spoken of earllier and was able to go through. We turned around and headed out via the shorter route back along Walhalla Rd, via Merringtons and back to camp.

Some familiar faces today who joined Team Nickj from yesterday's trip and some new faces too. Thanks to you all, hope you enjoyed the short but rewarding day, it was great to have you along.

Nick and Lynelle
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Active Member
Good report Nick! We did Deep Creek with Rossco and can vouch how good the track is!!

Billolga drive a niss thing too, not a 100 Series.


4x4 Earth Contributer
good report as usual nick

my l plater won't get out of the driver seat oce she gets in

thanks for the tip on how to get her out


5th Annual Victorian Gathering member
Great Report and pics! We'll definately have to put that one on the list for next year!!


4x4 Earth Contributer
Good report Nick!

I nearly had the chance to get up to O'Toole's that weekend too.

I keep slipping past Deep Creek 1 on my way to other places and keep meaning to get in there and have a drive.